Simple Ways To Reverse Prediabetes Naturally

Simple Ways To Reverse Prediabetes Naturally

Can you turn around prediabetes normally? You may have recently found out you have prediabetes and are a little confused regarding what that means.

Basically, prediabetes is the stage before diabetes. Your blood sugar levels shoot up higher than normal, but not enough to be considered as type 2 diabetes.

With prediabetes, your body has built up insulin resistance. Or beta cells in your pancreas may not be making enough insulin to keep your blood sugars within a healthy range.

Here are some more professional tips designed to help you obtain your blood sugar levels in check and prevent type 2 diabetes.

Here are Top 5 Tips To Reverse Prediabetes Naturally

Start with one or two simple steps and once you’ve mastered those, add a couple more.

Choose Whole, Nutrient Dense Foods; Ditch the Processed Stuff

This point will always come up in any diabetes or prediabetes treatments diet conversations. Processed foods (most foods out of a box) usually contain added sugars, fats, and calories that have very little nutritional value.

They may be convenient, they may even be delicious but the sad, sad truth is they are very bad for your health.

Whole foods, on the other hand, are foods that undergo very minimal processing. This preserves their nutrients and keeps them packed with high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

If you need another reason to choose whole foods, they make you feel fuller while also being lower in calories than processed foods! This means that you’re not gaining as much weight, you’re lowering your blood sugar, and you feel hungry less often because your body has all that it needs.

Some examples of whole foods are:

  • Beans and legumes: Like chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils
  • Unsalted nuts and seeds: cashews, peanuts, and almonds are great choices
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables: Like oranges, spinach, strawberries, and eggplant
  • Whole grains: Wholegrain rice, quinoa, and wheat are great options
  • Unprocessed meat, fish, and poultry

If you want more information on how to incorporate more whole foods into your diet, you can get information online, or speak with a registered dietitian.

Exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week

Did you know that exercise can help reduce your blood sugar levels for up to 24 hours after a workout session? It’s true. What’s great is that you don’t have to go to the gym for hours to exercise.

You could try walking, jogging, swimming, biking, aerobics, resistance exercises, and different types of outdoor sports. So next time your friend invites you to that weekly power yoga session, say yes. It’ll be great.

Choose Carbohydrates with Lower GI

Choose Carbohydrates with Lower GI

So at this point, you know that sugar is not good for both diabetes and prediabetes. What you may not know is that all the carbohydrates in your food ultimately break down into glucose in your blood.

But not all carbs are made equal. Low GI foods break down to glucose a lot slower than high GI foods. It means that these foods will not cause as big of a spike in your blood sugars. However, portion size is also key to ensure your blood sugars stay within a healthy range.

Choose Most Often to Reverse Prediabetes

  • Low GI Foods – heavy mixed-grain bread, whole grains such as barley, quinoa, and bulgur, sweet potato, steel-cut oats, converted/parboiled rice, al dente/firm pasta, apples, green bananas, berries, orange, peach, pears, beans, and legumes, milk.

Choose Less Often to Reverse Prediabetes

  • Medium GI Foods – Chapati/Rotis, wheat bread, instant or large flake oats, basmati/brown/short/long grain rice, corn, white potatoes, ripe bananas, cherries, grapes, pineapples, kiwi.

Choose Least Often to Reverse Prediabetes

  • High GI Foods – White bread, Naan, corn flakes, puffed rice, jasmine rice, sticky rice, mashed potatoes, rice cakes, any kind of fruit juice, pop, cookies, cakes, candy, overripe bananas.

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking to Reverse Prediabetes

Aside from increasing the possibility of lung cancer and heart disease, smoking may also cause type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and insulin resistance. OTC products like nicotine gum or nicotine patches will go a long way in helping you overcome nicotine cravings.

Shed Off Excess Weight

Regular exercise and clean eating are the foundations of achieving a healthy body weight. It has been found that if you’re able to lose just 5-10% of your body fat, your blood sugar levels will improve and this may help you reverse prediabetes.

We know that making these changes may take time, effort, and commitment, but reversing prediabetes, and improving your quality of life is worth it.